8 ½ 邂逅,由空間至品味 Encountering 8 1/2, the space and the life style
藝術旅店、咖啡廚房、展演空間,他們是組成8 ½的三個元素
INN 藝術旅店中的七間雙人房,提供七種不同風格的旅居空間,她們是花藝、攝影、建築、插畫、音樂、電影與平面。我們保留老宅的傳統精神,讓屋架引領天光,映照房間的自然原味。而舒適、細膩的空間設計,更讓您在經歷一日充實的巡遊後,能享受片刻的靜謐,沉澱躍然的心靈,為次日的探訪作好充份的休息。
CAFÉ 咖啡廚房裡,咖啡座們定義空間,在紅白黑三色裡映演中式風格。屋外桂竹籬繞,白幕漫掩,半露天的咖啡座,自成一派山水。室內傳統案桌,混搭當代設計,古今對話的雅趣,伴您渡過美好時光。您可以隨手取一本設計雜誌,啜飲飄香的咖啡,享受南台灣特有的溫煦陽光。
SPACE 展區主要位於藝術旅店半戶外廊道,可以展示不同藝術媒材與設計。邀請來自世界各地的旅客以及在地人來探索藝術,分享及體驗藝術展演。我們提供場地租借服務,接受各式藝文設計展覽與發表,為您獨一無二的創作發聲。
821space is an art theme inn, a café, and an exhibition space all in one.
821space is a cross-genre platform designed to accommodate traveling cultural explorers, friends who love arts, and our neighbors in Tainan. It is a space for like minds to meet, discover and rediscover the beauty of our beloved city.
Located in close proximity to Tainan Municipal Cultural Center and the scenic Barkley Memorial Park, the inn is meant to be a place of comfort for travelers who would like to enjoy a few days of relaxation and casual sightseeing. Food in Tainan is diverse and dynamic; the street is a treasure trove of local favorites waiting for visitors to discover. Here, life is on a slower pace: relaxing, gracious, and comforting. Anchoring to the rich history in Tainan, the lively energy of contemporary thoughts and ideas are taking roots, and is becoming part of the charming new tradition of the city. You are invited to come and experience the history, the art, and the life.
INN We offer seven double rooms; each features an art theme — floral arrangement, photography, architecture, illustration, music, movie, and graphic design. Much of the original structure of the old house was conserved; every room enjoys skyline exposure, allowing visitors to enjoy the place in natural light. Our space offers utmost level of comfort; each detail is designed with the consideration of your enjoyment in mind. Coming back to the inn is like coming home, you can thoroughly relax after a day of excursion in the city, rejuvenate from a good night sleep so that you will fully enjoy new discoveries waiting for you on the next day.
CAFÉ The Café is a dynamic space that integrates the outdoors and indoors: the sitting area features old-fashioned Chinese style wooden tables pairing with chairs in streamlined modern design in red, black and white, the courtyard is surrounded by a bamboo shrub, and is shaded with white drapes, providing much needed release during the hot hours of the day. The atmosphere in the Café is elegant yet casual. It is the perfect place to pick up one of the many design magazines lying around, sip a cup of your favorite coffee and enjoy the embracing sunlight of Southern Taiwan.
SPACE The inn features a corridor in a semi-open space; it is the perfect setup for art exhibition of various media and styles. Our guests from all over the world get to enjoy fine art works from local artists as they stay; our friends and neighbors in town are also welcomed to come by and enjoy the exhibitions while having a cup of coffee. This is the perfect place for creative people to show their work. The unique back drop of our inn provides a venue unlike anywhere else for your art to meet the world.
8 1/2と出会う:その空間とライフスタイル
宿泊施設 7部屋のダブルルームがあり、それぞれがアートを特色としています。具体的には、フラワー・アレンジメント、写真、建築、イラスト、音楽、映画、そしてグラフィックデザインです。年月を経たこの家屋ですが、その構造はほぼ残されており、どの部屋に滞在しても建物の輪郭を味わい、自然な明かりのもとで部屋の雰囲気を楽しむことができます。私たちの空間は最上の快適さを提供し、心から楽しめるように細部に渡ってデザインされています。宿に戻られることは、家に帰ってくるようなものですので、一日街中を散策した後に心からくつろぐことができます。快適な睡眠をとって疲れを癒やし、翌日には新たな発見を充分に楽しめることでしょう。
カフェ 併設のカフェは、屋内外のスペースを持つ活力に満ちた空間です。座席は、伝統的な中国の木調のテーブルに、赤、黒、白のモダンな椅子を備えています。中庭は竹に囲まれており、白いカーテンで日差しを和らげることで、暑い時間帯でもくつろぐことが可能です。カフェは、優雅さを残しながらも気取らない雰囲気です。デザイン雑誌を手に取り、お気に入りのコーヒーを飲みながら、台湾南部の日差しを楽しむのにぴったりの場所です。
スペース 展示 当館にはある程度開放された廊下があり、多様なメディア、様式の美術展に最適の環境です。世界中から訪れる宿泊客が、地元作家の作品と出会う機会を提供します。また、近隣にお住まいの方が立ち寄った際にも、コーヒーを飲みながら作品を鑑賞するのです。その意味でも、クリエイティブな方の展示にとって最適の場所になるはずです。